7 killer ways to leverage your Linkedin company page

  • Dani Shaked

Remember that in 2010-2011 you could post a Facebook status and get 50 likes and more? So LinkedIn of 2020-21 is like Facebook of 2011. The organic exposure is significantly higher than all other platforms, perhaps secondary to Tik Tok. Therefore, it is worthwhile to advertise and invest as much as possible in this platform.

1. Use your company’s page banner to its full potentialYour LinkedIn Company Page background image gives you the chance to make a bold and memorable first impression.


2. Posting relevant- trending contentRelevant, trending content gets engagement. Use the “content suggestions” feature on LinkedIn to find out what’s been trending for the past 15 days.

3. Fill in all the blanks, double the visitorsGaps on your LinkedIn page will hurt your chances of being found, just like a half-empty dating profile. Completed profiles receive up to 2X more visitors than those with incomplete information, which may seem obvious. A logo, tagline, website URL, company size, industry, and location are all a must.

4. Post, post, post – Companies that post every week see a twofold increase in engagement. Focus on using what you already have before panicking at the thought of creating new content every week.

5. Make use of keywords in your description – It’s time to strategically integrate your keywords in your description once you’ve identified them. Make sure your most important keywords are in the first 156 characters of your paragraph. In the search results, Google shows up to 156 characters of your descriptions, but LinkedIn cuts content off after line three.

6. Create Showcase Pages – Subpages that emphasize your products, services, or initiatives are known as showcase pages. You can customize each Showcase page with a different product logo, banner, and description for each service. Visitors may come here, depending on their interests, for information on your company’s individual products, ongoing, or regularly occurring events such as conferences.

7. Create an employee engagement plan – Most business leaders believe there is a direct connection between employee engagement and company success. Creating an employee engagement plan for your company’s LinkedIn page will help you gain more visibility and followers. For example, encourage your staff to complete their personal LinkedIn pages and post regularly on professional topics of their specialty.

For more digital marketing best practices, you can go to our blog page.

Dani Shaked
About the author
Dani is super passionate about tech, startups, marketing, and making it all work together to move the needle in the right direction.
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